Episode 19: Official Memorandum of Seasonal Transition


We received an official memorandum of seasonal transition! Also known as, Simone FINALLY got internet at her new home in London so we had the bandwidth to yak for three hours about the pod. We’re so excited for Season Two and can’t wait for you all to hear what we have in store!

Simone + Paris on the Minimetro in Perugia in October 2020

Simone + Paris on the Minimetro in Perugia in October 2020


In the first episode of Season Two, we learn where Simone has been since Episode 18, who is making Paris swoon, and what to expect in Season Two of My Friend’s Friends!

Simone admits to practically bullying you into being her friend. Paris gives the inquiring minds need to know, and he is Ka-yute with a capital K.

And different things mean different things.


Fun stuff we mention:

German tradition dictates watching Dinner for One on New Year’s Eve.

Simone highly recommends checking out the podcast Hello From the Magic Tavern if you’re interested in hearing about the land of Foon.

Paris has been laughing until her face hurts while watching Brooklyn 99 and Frazier basically makes cameos every episode.

Simone loves Andy Samberg in I’m on a Boat, while Paris can’t get enough of him in Jizz in My Pants!


Episode 20: A 10 with a Great Personality


Episode 18: Mutual Exclusivity? No Thanks.